Letters from a Jersey mother

My thrifty grandmother...

22 January 1961. The last letter …

22 January 1961 My dear Len and Margaret Sunday 11.45 am. This is a most beautiful morning, I think it’s too fine to last long. The sun is shining, though there’s a crispy air, it’s a healthy kind of weather…. Continue Reading →

15 January 1961. Roselle’s escape artist and Aunty’s gall bladder

15 January 1961 My dear Len and Margaret Sunday 7:15pm. Although I’m taking a sheet of writing paper I will not get on with it very much. Margaret and Charles will now be here anytime. The weather has been very… Continue Reading →

8 January 1961. Christmas presents show and tell, budgerigars and Russ Conway makes another appearance

8 January 1961 My dear Len and Margaret Sunday 10 to 8pm. It’s not a nice evening, so Margaret and Charles are not going to turn up. Many thanks for your nice and interesting letter saying all about your Christmas… Continue Reading →

3 January 1961. New Year’s Eve with elderly chickens and a disobedient white pony

3 January 1961 My dear Len and Margaret Here we are in the New Year and this is my first letter to you, first of all we all want to wish you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 1961. We… Continue Reading →

26 December 1960. Didn’t they do well?

26 December 1960 My dear Len and Margaret Christmas is now far away. We spent a very nice time all together, every one in good form. They kept on singing away, going from one room to another, but they mostly… Continue Reading →

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