13 March 1960
My dear Len & Margaret

Although this is only Sunday eve I will start a few lines on this letter. I have no news today, but the little I know now I can just as well put it down. That will be less for later on.

Today has been dull weather. It rained a little this afternoon. I guess Len. remembers Mr. Le Brun from Bond Street? He passed away on Friday. The funeral is tomorrow, the service is to be at Grove Place. Father hopes to go to the funeral service. He had not been well for some time.

On Friday evening Father & I went to the hospital to see my cousin Clarence Trachy who is there. He has a bleeding ulcer, he has been pretty bad. He had not been well for some time, but like many others he would not see a doctor. In the end he had to call a doctor in, he found him quite bloodless. The doctor told him that is was high time he was seen to. He could not have lived much longer. In fact after he had been in hospital they were very worried about him. The nurse said he would not leave the hospital alive. Anyway these last days there seem to be some improvement, he is very weak. He has been having blood transfusions. At first they had no effect on him, I think they do now. Of course I don’t know if he will get over it. We told him we will go and see him again this week. He was very pleased to see us. He said he likes to see people, it helps him to pass away the time. I’m not sure is Len knows Clarence.

Our family party last Thursday went off very well, everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Roselle had prepared a nice meal, we bought some chicken pieces (chilled), Roselle fried them. We were 10 at table, but bought 9 pieces of chicken. Roselle does not eat it, she bought a pork chop for herself. This chicken is rather expensive. For 9 pieces we paid over 21/- which I thought was quite enough. Anyway they all enjoyed it. Then we had jellied fruit truffle, pineapple, apple tart & cakes. With the chicken we had mashed potatoes & green peas. I don’t think they could complain at that. 

Stan Sharp’s time is coming to an end. I think he will go back home sometime this week. I think he has enjoyed the time he’s been over here & of course the family has welcomed him, he still has to go to Margaret which will be on Wednesday when all the family will again gather there. Dad & I will go to tea, the others will come for the eve. I think it’s getting time that all these comings & goings come to and end for a little while now, there has been quite a bit of it lately. Dad & I are beginning to be a bit tired. We both feel tired to day after going to Kay yesterday on the occasion of her birthday. It was 11 o’clock when we came back. All the family was there. Doreen & Nick could not manage to come for the meal, they came later in the eve. Mr & Mrs. Davis joined the party. We had a taxi to bring us back including Margaret & Charles. Doreen & Nick went back with Bert Davis & his wife. We left before them. They should have left along with us, but these people are never in a hurry to go back. D & N did not want to be late because they had a baby sitter & they did not want to keep her there too long. But I am not sure that they were home before midnight. I don’t believe Doreen was too pleased about being so late.
I must now stop M & C will be here any minute. 

Monday evening, I must finish this letter, otherwise I might not get it ready for mailing on Thursday A.M. as usual.
Tomorrow evening D & N will come, Tuesday is their eve to some. Wednesday we will be at Margarets, on Thursday M & C come for the evening, on Friday K & A come along. After this the week has gone.

Father did not attend the funeral of Mr. W, Le Brun this afternoon, his rheumatism were rather bad. He said he did not feel like going out. Still he met his friends in town as usual this A.M. 

Next Monday will be Fathers last time to go on the Rent Tribunal, they are giving him a lunch at the Pomme d’Or Hotel on that day. They will go on their inspection of houses in the afternoon. I think they will have three cases in town & four in the country. Father says according how he feels he will not go with them on this inspection.

I can’t think of anything else, should there be other news before mailing this letter I would enclose it.

Hope you are all well + fit. Love from we 3, love mother xxx