My thrifty grandmother...

Month January 1959

29 January 1959. Horse manure and commission only jobs

29 January 1959   My dear Len and Margaret   This is Tuesday evening. Father has gone to the Masons. I hope he’s not too late to get back. We went on our usual drive, made it Corbiere again, it’s… Continue Reading →

21 January 1959. Scottish winters and worrying job change

21 January 1959 My Dear Len & Margaret, Wednesday evening. Dad is fixed on T.V. Roselle is having another busy evening with her stock sheets. I am longing for her to be through with them. It will be a few… Continue Reading →

13 January 1959. Inquests, parties and motherly advice

13 January 1959   My dear Len and Margaret   Monday Evening.   Roselle had a letter from Margaret today. Many thanks for the nice long letter we received last week. We notice that quite a number of your Christmas… Continue Reading →

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