20 May 1958
My dear Len and Margaret
Again I am writing my letter a little early in the week. Well how are you all getting on? I guess you are now getting settled with your new surroundings, also that you have made a few friends and that Margaret is now liking it over there. As for you Len, are you finding work going to your liking? I do hope you are to build up a good business as you have done to the other places you have been, and show good results. Do you understand all this broad accent well, or do you find it difficult when you go round for business? But then as you have been in Edinburgh before this broad accent would be easier for you.
How do the children manage it at school? Children pick up language very quickly, don’t they? How are they getting on with their home lessons? I quite agree they may not like it over much, at the same time a little home work is good for them, especially for Susan at her age now. She will want to get on, you see having moved so many times, it’s been a setback for their schooling, it takes quite a time to pick up and get into the ways of another school.
Nick went through his divorce this morning, it went off alright, no bother at all. Nick naturally was a little nervous, it’s only natural.  At this stage of my letter I had to stop, Nick arrived, he gave Doreen a beautiful bouquet of carnations, red, pink, and white and some fern. He is quite pleased with himself now that his divorce is over, they have both gone for a walk. It will be 6 weeks before the divorce is made absolute, all being well. Doreen and Nick will get engaged at the beginning of July.
Doreen has put her cycle up for sale on the EP. It appeared for the first time tonight, it’s on for 3 nights. One person has already been to see it, it’s not for herself. Her daughter needs one, she lives at Samares, St Clements, this woman was going to phone her and tell her the bike is in good order. She might come tomorrow AM. Doreen is asking £10 for it, it hasn’t had much use, Doreen has not used it for years. Nick has no use for his either, it’s on the EP for sale too. I don’t know which bike will go first, perhaps either of them will go.
Kay took us for our usual Tuesday outing, Margaret always comes with us. We went to our usual place Corbiere. There was not many people around. There will be more later. Lots of big coaches stop there, it’s fun to watch all the different people.
Gladys Syvret has sent us some lettuce this evening. It was not her who came. Roselle did not know the person, she said she was a little person and a worker because her hands were stained. We think it probably was Gladys’s maid, anyway so long as we have the lettuce we don’t mind who has brought them.
All being well tomorrow we will be spending the evening at the Le Feuvres. I’d rather they came to us, but still we can’t have it all our own way.
What an unfortunate train accident has happened in Glasgow this morning, I don’t suppose you saw anything of it.

I’m wondering if you have taken the so-called ‘Isabel’ as your secretary? I hope you have because not using ‘makeup’ she would look more natural in the office and she not having time for ‘makeup’ she probably is a good worker. I guess we will know all about her on our next letter.

The Glasgow office


Jean and the little one left London Airport on Saturday afternoon, flew to Amsterdam, stopped there for a few hours, then flew to I think Greenland to refuel, then off to Vancouver. They were to get there at 10am their time. They sent a cable to say they had arrived safely. Kay and Arthur should get a letter from them at the end of the week, when more will be know about their trip and their arrival in Vancouver. Brian had found a flat for them, he had trouble to find one, because those who have flats to let don’t want any children. This makes it rather difficult for those with children. I will now stop, it’s time for bed.
Wed am
I notice on the Express this A.M. that Princess Margaret had dined alone with Peter Townsend, this was the third time they had met in 8 days, that shows they are still very strong friends, I can’t think what the end of it will be, what do you both think? Anyway Margaret seems determined to see him when she has the chance, I really think they should finish one way or the other, not keep on as they are doing.
I told you about the colours of the carnations Nick brought? On examining them I found there are some yellow, mauve, two different shades of pink, all very beautiful blooms.
This is all the news I can gather today. Trusting you are all well and happy.
Lots of love from us all,


Mother xxxx