23 March 1959
My dear Len. + Margaret
This is Monday evening + very early to make a start on your letter, but it’s better to make an early start + make sure to have it finished in time for mailing at the right time.

Is Lennard properly settled after his short Jersey holiday? When we came back from the airport after seeing Len. off, Roselle had gone to work, but before she left, she had cleaned + set both fires ready for lighting. Also she had stripped Len’s bed, folded the sheets ready for the laundry, also washed the few breakfast dishes we had used + set the table again for if we wanted a little more breakfast + got herself ready for work.
I thought she should never have done all that work in such a short time as she had before leaving for work.
All the same Dad was pleased not to have the fires to see to before getting ready for work, but as I said, I could have done them myself.

I guess that Margaret was pleased to see you back, I hope all the children were good the time she was alone. She must have felt lonely the time she was alone with the children. Has Lennard put up his plates on his half shelf? If so, do they stand out well? Did Margaret like them?
Has Lennard yet finished relating all the gossip he had gathered in Jersey? He had gathered enough to last him for some time.

Today has been perfect, warm just like a summer’s day. I told father during late afternoon that I thought the weather was thundery. It’s lighting this evening, it may come to a thunderstorm. The weather is not looking at all good this evening. The warm weather we had today is not reasonable for the month of March.

Arthur Le Rossignol + family are leaving tomorrow A.M. by the early plane. He is a lucky fellow to get away for three weeks. I guess you will be seeing them in Glasgow. I think Lennard knows that they would be going on their holidays.

While we were still at the tea table the telephone rang, it was Mein?? asking for your address. Does this mean you will be having some wonders? I seem to think that your short standing visit to them may not have been in vain after all. 

Roselle has just gone out for a short while.
Doreen + her family will be in to us on “Good Friday” to tea. Then on Easter Mon. Margaret + Charles will be in to tea. 

Saturday being the first day of Spring + quite a mild day, I decided to put in some plants that I had had in a box for many weeks. It was some that Aunt B. had given me. They should have been put in the soil before now, but you know it’s the same old sorry over again putting off to another day. But on Saturday I was determined they would go in, it being the first day of Spring + there should be no more delay. I started to put them in by myself starting by the top border which was easier for me, this border being higher than the other borders. Dad came along to help me. When this border was done, you know how Dad feels about gardening, well he said we would leave the other borders until next week, but I wasn’t having any of this. So he saw I was so determined on planting the lot, he resigned himself + kept on helping. It did not take long, but you can’t imagine how pleased we both were in the evening when it started to rain + kept on all night. Just a light rain, we could not have put in these plants at a better time, because there had not been any rain for quite a time. The soil was dry. It again rained yesterday A.M. The plants are nice + fresh looking, they have not drooped at all.

The plant that Len. gave me is doing very well. It’s being very admired.

Lots of love from us 3, love Ma xxx

PS: sorry I have repeated myself in this letter.