27 November 1960

My dear Len and Margaret

This is Sunday AM 11.45. We were very late in getting up and of course in having breakfast, which was 10.45. Still I enjoyed my toast just the same. I don’t think I will feel very hungry for lunch.

I have started a new pad of writing paper for this letter, it’s a pad that Charles made up for me from odd pieces of paper. It’s quite a thick pad too, he also made me a second one. I was in two minds which one to use, I chose this one. The other one is thicker paper and ruled, it’s a very good paper, so now I’m well fixed up with writing paper.

We had a heavy shower of rain at breakfast time, I think there was hail mixed with the rain. Now the sun is coming out, the forecast yesterday was there would be showers of snow in Scotland. I hope you are not going to have snow so early.

Roselle starts on her week’s holiday tomorrow. I am supposed to go to town with her in the morning. It’s going to be a busy week doing Christmas shopping. It’s not an easy task, especially as you don’t know what to give each one. If you knew what to give everybody it would be quite easy shopping and no time would be lost. I suppose we will get through. I wish Roselle would have a week of fine weather, tomorrow she will be having tea at Doreen’s, then I think Kay will take her out on Tuesday afternoon. I think Margaret will be there also, she is taking this week away from work, so as to go with Roselle shopping, but Nick wants her to be at the shop tomorrow AM. He has to go on a job, she may also have to go some other days.

Roselle was very tired yesterday from her week at the shop. She went back too soon after her bad throat, she admits it now. I hope she takes all the rest she can this week.

Last Tuesday Kay took us out as usual, but it was a different outing. We started by going to Les Augerez, only stayed there 10 minutes. Aunty was not coming with us. Then we had afternoon tea at Muriel and Bob. They wanted us to see their new bungalow. Well, it’s quite a nice bungalow but not so compact as Kay’s. It’s built on a rock, which means the garden part is terraced and it’s a climb to get to the bungalow, and very dark in the evening. Bob had to take a torch to lead us down to the road and car. I did not feel very happy coming down this slope, there are some steps halfway. This path is awkward to strangers. I sure would not like to live there, you only see trees around. There are plenty of rabbits around, one crossed the road in front of us. Arthur thinks it’s an ideal position. We are not all of the same mind. Muriel and Bob will be coming to spend the evening with us on Friday which is the evening for Kay and Arthur to come, they will all chat together.

We have the Le Feuvres coming to us on Wednesday evening. It’s rather hard going when they come, it’s only Mim and I who have to keep things going. Father hardly talks, Philo often falls asleep and the good old lady hardly says anything. It’s late when Roselle comes in with us, so as I say Mim and I have to do all the work, though halfway through the evening the old lady will ask to have a game of cards. We would not deny her this. They leave at 10.45. They would be prepared to remain later, but they know we don’t want them to do so.

Dad and I were having tea at Margaret’s on Wednesday. Just as we were ready to leave home for our bus, in fact Dad was helping me on with my coat, the doorbell rang. It was Mr Patch coming to have a harmless gossip. Of course he had to turn on his heel and go back home disappointed.

Monday PM 6.30. just a few more lines to make my letter appear a little longer. Today has been  colder, but dry and sunny, in fact it has been a lovely day. I went to town this AM, did quite a bit of Christmas shopping with Roselle and Margaret. My purse was not so valuable when I returned as when I left home. This is what Christmas shopping does. I’ve not finished yet, everything is so pricy.

On tonight’s EP it says that Mr Harold Deslandes had passed away in his 51st year. I think he had been ill for a  long time.

Roselle is not here this evening, she is having tea at Doreen’s. I am wondering if Mr Patch is going to turn up this eve. He seldom comes to us now. He says with TV and the family here, he doesn’t know when to come, and knowing Mr Patch he likes to be alone when he comes, so he can have all the say. It would be a good thing if he came tonight as there is only Dad and I here until 9.45 when Roselle will return at that time.

Lots of people took advantage of the lovely weather today and went to town to start their Christmas shopping. I saw Gladys and Joan in town. Eddie will be going in hospital in January to undergo an operation. I think it’s something to do with the heart.

Well I must now end in the hopes that all the family is well

Lots of love from us all
Lovingly, Mother xxx