30 October 1960

My dear Len & Margaret
Sunday AM. This is a rainy morning but not cold. I would like the weather to clear up. Roselle and Margaret are going to ‘Sandiway’ this afternoon to put a bunch of flowers on Kay’s table in the lounge to greet them on their return home tomorrow at noon. They are also going to take a cake and some butter.

Kay will do her shopping tomorrow afternoon. They will have lunch at the airport when they arrive. Kay phoned last night, they were staying with Ron (Canada) till tomorrow when they return. I think they have had a fairly good holiday but the weather was not too good. Some days it simply poured with rain, but they have been taken out to lunch and dinner a few times. This gave them some enjoyment, also Kay has been troubled with nose bleeding which she found very unpleasant. She had a similar thing a few years back. She had to see the doctor about it, he burnt some obstruction in her nose to stop the bleeding. Kay thinks this is the same thing happening again.

Before I go further I want to thank Len for the nice PC he sent us while on his travel North. It’s a very nice card but I’m sure I would not like to live in those wild parts. This little cottage is very cute but I should hate to live in it with such small windows, also I would always imagine there might be some beasts or insects in the thatched roof.

I have an idea that Len thought this little thatched cottage looked like me the same as he did with the fish set I received for my birthday. Oh, you might be pleased to know that we have already used it once, that was on Thursday when we came back from Aunty Maries’s funeral. Roselle had set the table. She had arranged some sardines on lettuce leaves for Father and myself and some salmon also on lettuce leaves for herself. She doesn’t like sardines. All this was nicely arranged on the lovely dish, the plates were set around the table, it was all very nice.

Monday AM. It has been a rainy morning up to now. It now seems it’s going to clear up, the weather is very mild, I think K & A will have a nice trip back.

I will start this page by thanking Len for the nice card we received from him this AM, it’s a very nice one, but I’m disappointed with the postman. All the PC’s I get he folds them on two to force them in the letter box. This nice one this AM was cracked all across. In the end he did not manage to pass it through the letter box. After doing the mischief he opened the door and threw it in the hall. I would like Father to complain about this at the PO but he doesn’t do so.

Fancy Len already buying a Christmas gift for me, but you know Len, I would rather not have any Christmas gifts this year after having so much for my birthday. This in itself was more than enough for birthday and Christmas.

Mrs Falle (next door neighbour) is getting very low now, she is dying. Mr Falle spent all day at the hospital yesterday, I think he’s there today. He certainly is having a trying time.

I got excited this AM when the news came over the 9 o’clock news that the Queen of Persia had given birth to a son, this will mean an heir to the throne at last, so now it’s to be hoped he will keep this third wife who has brought him a son and heir. There must be a great lot of excitement in Persia today.

Aunt Blanche has asked for me to thank Len for the nice PC he sent her while on his travels. Aunty is like Father as regards writing, it seems it’s a punishment for her to write.

Kay has phoned at lunchtime to say that they were back and were having lunch at home. This is all she told Roselle who was in a hurry to go back to work.

Mr Davies had his operation last Thursday AM. Up to now he’s doing very well. The doctors are very pleased with his progress. He was to be 3 weeks in hospital, if his progress does continue he may not be so long there.

Tomorrow brings November, time to work our brains about Christmas gifts, this is a very difficult task as to know what to give everyone. I find Xmas falling on a Sunday is never the same. I thought we would celebrate it on the Monday but Roselle and also the family insist that the 25 Dec is the day of rejoicing and that Christmas has to be held on that day, so you see I have no choice.

Thursday eve. We are having a gale force wind and rain. It has been blowing all day, but later in the afternoon it got to gale force. The sea spray is coming over on the esplanade and over the buses. The one Roselle came on had to stop on account at the spray coming over the bus, it’s a neap tide. If it had been a spring tide we don’t want to think what would have happened.

Mrs Falle passed away during the night. At 3 o’clock during the night our phone rang. Of course we knew what it was for. It was from the hospital asking us to call Mr Falle. He came to the phone. They told him his wife was sinking fast. In no time he was there at the hospital. Ruby died at 3:30, he was there just in time, but of course she didn’t see her husband. When the phone rang Roselle rushed downstairs to answer it, then went out to ring up Mr Falle. The poor man had only left the hospital at midnight. He had been there all day, also all day on Sunday, he looks terribly tired and sad. The body is to be cremated in Guernsey, I don’t know on what day.

After telling you that Mr Davies was progressing very well, unfortunately he has had a relapse by Haemorrhage (sic) setting in. they have had to open him up again today, he is doped all day. We are very sorry about this, this will certainly delay him for some time.

This is all I can think of today, we hope all the family is well.

Lots of love from we 3
Lovingly, Mother xxx