4 May 1959

My dear Len and Margaret

Monday evening. It has been a lovely day. Beautiful sunshine, but not too warm, although warm enough for me.
Dad and I have visited John at the hospital. Aunt B was there too also uncle Frank arrived. We had a chance to be brought back, this is the reason I am able to start on this letter. If uncle F had not been there Aunt B was coming back with us + remain here until 9 ‘o clock. There was no other bus to take her back before. Uncle too has taken her back. 

Uncle J is getting on fine. He says he has improved quite a lot today. He certainly is looking very well. His face seems to have filled out. He will be pleased when he can get back home.

Now before I get on further I want to thank Len. for the lovely PC’s he sent along with his letter. I am very pleased to have them + one of these days I will be putting them in my album, preferably this week. I have not put in any new ones since these extra pages have been added. Kay has also given me some she had sent her from friends who have been away. So again I say thank you. 

We see that Len had not been given the job with the L & M Society. Well I don’t think we can very well say that we are sorry, because it may be a blessing in disguise. One really doesn’t know. At the same time we know that Len. kind of made sure of having the job + Margaret had kind of made her mind of living more south, but again perhaps she would not have liked Bristol.

Arthur told us that you would not like it there. Also that it was not a healthy place. Of course we don’t know anything of Bristol. Arthur says there’s a river that runs through some parts of this county. That this river was unhealthy anyway. Whether it is so or not, don’t mention anything that I have told you about it, because as you know Arthur does not like to interfere in other people’s business. I would not like him to know that i have told you.

So maybe you will be better to be away from this place. Naturally you don’t want to place yourself worse then you are. Don’t worry Len. if there is another good job for you it will come at the right time, though I will admit I think they could have explained a little more the reason for not taking you. We notice you were in Inverness at the time of writing + also this was where you found these nice PC’s.

I notice by Len’s letter that you were rather amused about me saying about the Vicar coming over to our pew to hand over his hymn card. Still I had never seen him do that before to anybody, therefore I think this was a kind of honour. I think if you wanted to say so, you think the same thing too don’t you? 

Susan is getting quite a big girl now that she is 12 years old. She will soon be starting her teens + will soon have to find out what she wants to do when she leaves school. Has she any thing in mind yet?

Saturday will be our Liberation Day & a holiday. I’m in the family’s bad books about this. The reason is that I don’t feel Liberation Day should continue to be a holiday. Lots of other people are of the some opinion. We can’t forget how pleased we were to be liberated, therefore there is no reason to remind us, that’s how I feel.

Tuesday evening.
Here I am to finish this letter, but very little to help me do it. Anyway we took our usual weekly drive this afternoon. Naturally we went to Corbiere, but only stopped the car & made off, Kay called at her home for a few minutes. She wanted to find a recipe for Margaret who wanted to make Wonders. Of course we can tell her how to make them, but Kay said she would give it to her, but she was unable to find it. She come to the conclusion that she had given it to some one.

From there we went to Les Augerez where we had a cup of tea & cake. Aunt B will have tea here on Friday. Kay + Arthur will come in the evening + they will take her back in the evening. This will be Aunty’s first visit here this year. I think it’s time she made up her mind to come, don’t you think so?

Uncle John is making good progress now. He is looking much better, we don’t know how long he will be there. It feels happy to know that he is getting stronger. He also feels happier in himself. 

Kay brought me a few geraniums to plant, they are their left overs. I hope they grow up well, they are very tiny. I have planted them after tea. I still have a few more plants to put in that Aunt B gave me. Those I will put in tomorrow, the border is not ready for them. I hope Dad gets it ready for me in the morning, so that I can put these plants in. I know the name of them, but don’t know how to spell it. Any way I will spell it in a way that it sounds like the name, here it is Calsiolarias yellow, can you make it out, yes? That’s right, these give a lovely show all summer.

How is all the household getting on? Well & happy I hope, also that you are having warmer weather.
Lots of love from we 3 Love Mother xxx

Last paragraph:
Good of me to enclose another slip of paper for further news isn’t it? It promises to be a lovely day with sunshine. 

Slip of paper:

Thursday A.M.
Aunt B has just phoned to say that Uncle J will be going back home tomorrow. They hadn’t removed his stitches yet, I hope he is al right to go back. I don’t know if he will have to remain in bed or not. I told you on this letter that Aunty was coming to tea tomorrow (on Friday), now this changes everything. She is coming today instead. Aunty also said that they had another baby girl at Laurence Le Ruez. They now have 4 girls & one boy. Mr. + Mrs. Helleur visited us last evening. They went back about 11 ‘o clock. They are quite a nice couple. Ellie would not come back to live in Jersey. They find it cold here, especially indoors. In Canada they have control heating everywhere, Canadians always find it cold in Jersey, love Ma xx