St Peter
A letter from Auntie Blanche – the only letter from Auntie B
My Dear Lennard
I daresay you know what a terrible thing for me it is to write, I presume that was why you sent me, I should say us, rather, such a lovely parcel. I think shortcake is just gorgeous, how we are enjoying it! Well, I thank you very much indeed for the kind thought, also for the very pretty postcard. Fancy thinking about us in the North of Scotland!
I hope you had a nice holiday also Margaret and the children. Yes, as you say a camping coach would suit us well and I should enjoy it very much. So far I’ve never had a holiday, so I’m very much afraid I would not know how to set about it.
Well now do you all like Scotland? Rather cold I think. Just when the children get settled at school you go off somewhere else, I daresay they think it exciting. Susan must be a big girl now, I shan’t know any of them when next I see them.
What do you think of Doreen’s news? I had quite a surprise when I heard it. Her ‘boy’ looks quite a good sort. Have you met Margaret’s Charles yet? She looks very happy, well the family is growing, isn’t it?
The potato season is now over, it has been a poor one for many farmers, with Lawrence (Le Ruez) it has not been too bad, he has started picking gladioli. He has such lovely colours, he sends them by boat and sometimes by plane. He also grows anemones. For the last 2 years I have helped bunching and enjoyed it very much but it’s rather tiring so I have given it up, I think it’s time. I had a rest and I have plenty to do in the house and garden.
Uncle John is much better but does not do anything at all. Tomorrow I am going to town to do the shopping. That’s the only outing I get. I hope to see Margaret to have coffee together also a little gossip! I had a nice letter from her yesterday giving me your address.
Here comes the EP (Evening Post) with I daresay a list of accidents as usual. Well once more thank you very much.
Much love to Margaret, children and self


Auntie B