19 December 1960

My dear Len & Margaret

Monday eve. This is really a too busy week for writing.  I have made my Canadian letters rather brief.

I went to town this A.M. I still had a few purchases to do, so took advantage of the dry weather, though there was a shower while I was in town.

I don’t find it looks like Christmas in town, business is not over good. I guess the next few days will be a rush. Margaret wants me to go to town on Thursday A.M. but I doubt if I will go. My money is spent so I must stand by now.

I’m not sure if I have told you what I bought with my club books, with my tea cards & in number. I bought 7 lbs. of tea, this I will keep as a standby for some time. For my food store I bought 12 tins of salmon & of crab, 6 large tins of sliced peaches, 3 small ones, 6 large tins of apricots, 6 tins of sardines, 2 tins corned beef, 1 tin chocolate biscuits, 2 jars apricot jam, 2 tins Scottish broth soup. Then after Roselle had bought all she wanted with her club, she gave me the remainder, so I went again to the R.M.S. I bought 2 lbs. Brazil nuts, 2 lbs. almonds, 2 lbs. walnuts, 2 lbs. hazel nuts, 1 tin biscuits, 1 small tin of toffees (for Rose) also two bars cream chocolate (also for Rose) then I opened my heart and bought a half bottle of whiskey for father. He naturally was pleased but said it was a small bottle. I had told him he should be thankful I had bought him one, he said he was.

I am proud of my food store, though I will gradually add a little more. I often glance at my store. I still have a few tins left of last Christmas.
This A.M. when I went to town I bought a cup & saucer for Father, so I treated him with it when he came back from town. I asked him if he liked it, he said…

We will never know what he said as the rest of this letter has sadly been lost except for the little addendum that always fills the space next to the address, which is:
Nick is going to decorate Roselle’s cake, this will be less for her to do
lots of love from us all
Mother xxx

That’s all folks…?