18 April 1960
My dear Len and Margaret
This is Easter Monday afternoon. It’s a nice sunny day but
there is a cold wind. Yesterday was fine and sunny also but again a cold wind.
On the whole it’s been a lovely Easter. I don’t like these holidays for the
reason that, we get no Evening Post or no mail. There has been no mail since
Saturday. I find that too long.
Margaret and Charles were having tea here yesterday. Doreen
and her family were supposed to have tea with us on Good Friday but they only
came for the afternoon. Doreen said if they remained to tea they would have to
go back early on account of the twins who have to go to bed early, it would
have meant coming back to a cold house and again too late to settle down to an
evening. They decided it better not to stay here, they went back at 6 o’clock.  Kay and Arthur came during the evening. It was
a wet evening, it started to rain during the afternoon, which spoilt it for
people who were out.
We are invited to afternoon tea at Mr and Mrs Billy Gee on Wednesday.
There is quite a time he has been asking Kay to take us, at last it’s arranged
for Wed. From there Kay will take us back to Margaret where we will be having
tea, this means not much rest on that day.
Our usual little group went to De Gruchy’s for coffee on Thursday.
When we got to the tea room it was full, all the tables were taken, and we had
to wait a few minutes. Other people who arrived after us had to want too, but
you know some of these people who to for coffee, they can stay for ages smoking
cigarettes and a gossip. I can’t enjoy my coffee when I see other people
waiting. Then the town was full too, you had to push your way along. I don’t
like going through town when there are so many people about. I find it very
You know what our usual group for coffee is, don’t you? Kay,
Blanche, Margaret and myself, though I had not been for some time. I told
Margaret that I would not be going into town very often this summer when all
the visitors are here. She said that a Monday morning would be the best time to
go to town, there would not be such a crush.
Now I must leave off to set the table for tea, which we are
going to have early. Roselle is going to the opera House. The Governor is to be
there. I guess it’s a big evening.
Tea is now over and here I am again, but since leaving off I’ve
found no other news to say. I’m wondering if we will get a letter from some of
you tomorrow.
Dad’s had an unusual morning, he’s been working all morning,
trying to make a clearance in his shed. The poor dear did not know how to start
about it. I went to give him a good start and put him on his way to clear. The reason
he had to do it this AM was because Roselle has given me a nice table for the
kitchenette. It’s a very nice one with a red Formica top and two drawers in the
front with red handles. Otherwise this table is cream. Now we had to do away
with the one that was there before , we had a very old one in the shed with
lots of things on, so we have put the better table in the shed and have broken
up the old one, as there was no room for both tables. Dad had to set to and
remove the old one. He didn’t enjoy his morning too much, but my goodness there’s
a lot to clear up in that shed. It will have to be done by degrees and I guess
with my help to make things go. 
Roselle had to have this table made at De
Gruchys, she could not get a ready made one. They told her at De Gruchys that
they had 10 other orders for tables like ours with a red Formica top, they don’t
keep this Formica in store, they had to wait a long time for it to arrive. It’s
lovely but very expensive.
We are wondering if you have had some Wonders from the Le
Feuvres. We have, but they are still at De Gruchys. Mim went to take them to
Roselle on Saturday just on closing time. Rose was already loaded with her own parcels,
she wasn’t pleased when she saw Mim with her ‘pages’. She has to leave the Wonders at the shop in a drawer until tomorrow, Tuesday. There is also some for
Kay and Margaret with ours. Mim took Doreen hers, also just on closing time.
She was not pleased. Mim asked Doreen to take the ones for Kay and Margaret.
Doreen told her she could not possibly take them. She told Mim she was not
going to see us, she sent her to Roselle which also made it impossible for Roselle to take them home. Mim has a very bad habit of doing her messages on closing
Dad is burning rubbish from the shed. This is giving us a
good fire.
How have you been spending your Easter? Have you been out
somewhere special?
I think I told you that Arthur had decided not to sell his
bungalow. I will not repeat it. 
Now here I am to finish this letter. We had
quite a lovely outing this afternoon. It was blowing pretty hard. It was a cold
wind, we went to Green Island. We did not get out of the car, it was too cold. We
came back across country to take Aunty home. She always seems to enjoy herself
when she comes with us.
We hope this cold weather will not bring any white frost, it
would be a great pity because the potatoes are looking very well.
We hope you are all keeping in the best of health.
Lots of love from we 3
Love, Mother xxx