28 February 1960

My dear Len and Margaret
Sunday 4:10. Again making a start on this letter. It has been a beautiful day. Lovely sunshine, but a change seems to be working up. It’s doubtful if it will be so fine tomorrow.

What a surprise that has leaked out. The engagement of Princess Margaret, no-one expected this bit of joyful news to come over the TV on Friday. We were very lucky to hear the first announcement when they interrupted the programme to give out this news. It happened that Kay and Arthur were here having supper with us and we were just listening and watching a programme about gardening in which Arthur was interested. This was just before supper, in fact we were all having a glass of sherry before the meal (except me), I had orange, then all of a sudden the programme was stopped and the good news came out. We just did not know what to say.


Roselle was not in the room at the moment which was a pity, she was seeing to the supper. Kay quickly told her and Rose came in quickly in great astonishment. We all clapped our hands, at last her day has come. Of course he’s a commoner, but Prince Philip was also a commoner. We hope she will be very happy. I guess he will get a little given him later on and the Queen is going to train him in the ways of the Royal Family. He will be staying a Buckingham Palace for a few weeks. No more photographic work for him, anyway the Royal Family seem to want him for Margaret. Now everyone will be wanting to know when the wedding will take place, this will come out soon enough. This engagement has kind of ended the thrill of the Royal prince baby for the time being, thought we are still waiting for his name.
I don’t know if I have told you the new names I have chosen for him, if not, I will mention them again – Nicholas, Frederick, Philip, Edward. I’m strongly hoping he gets the first one though I’m wondering if Andrew will be among his names. As I’ve told you K & A were having supper with us on Friday. We had also asked Stanley Sharp but he said he could not manage to be in time for the meal, but that he would come for the evening. We expected him at 8:15 or so. We were a little late sitting for our meal. We sat at table at 7 o’clock and before we were all seated there was a ring at the doorbell. Roselle answered, she was surprised to see Stanley standing there. She explained that we were just sitting for our meal and if he would join us. He thanked her and said he had just finished his own meal at the hotel where he is staying. He sat in the sitting room near a nice fire, made himself comfortable and Roselle gave him the EP to read as he did not want the TV on. As soon as Dad and A were through their meal they went with him and we cleared up and washed up.
Quite a time of our conversation was about the Royalty and I asked one question that I was sure I would get the answer and to my surprise no one knew, though we should have all know including myself. I asked what was the name of the Duke of Kent. I was pleased I had asked a puzzling question. Arthur said he had a book at home about the Royal Family and he would look it up and let me know. When Kay phoned this AM she said the name of the Duke of Kent was not in the book, so I’m still waiting. Stanley said he has a book at home with the names of the Royal Family and when he goes back home he will look it up and let me know. I’m wondering if it is George, mind you I don’t know why I wanted to know what his name was, so you see I puzzled the gathering. For which I was pleased that I had asked something they could not tell me. I will ask Charles when they come this evening. I feel sure I will get no answer.
The engagement of the Princess caused all this stir. Anyway we spent a very nice evening and had a nice meal. Pork steak, green peas, mashed potatoes, then pineapple and a fruit trifle with cream, then a Russian roll cake and a plain cake and finished with grapes that Kay had brought us.
On Wednesday Stanley will going to Kay’s for the evening meal, she wants Dad and I to go also, we will all go with Arthur on his way back from work. Stan is not sure at what time he will be ready. He will phone Kay.
I will now add a few more lines to this letter. It’s Monday evening. There is only Father and I here this eve. Roselle has gone to tea at Margaret’s. I think she will be back just before 10 o’clock unless she decides to stay later.
No, Charles or Margaret did not know the name of the late Duke of Kent, if I can think of it tomorrow I will ask Aunty Blanche if she knows his name. she may do, because she is very interested in Royalty, more than I would be. I am interested in them but not to know all details about them. I have great respect for the Royal family.
Father went to his Rent Tribunal outing this afternoon, his first one this year. It may be his last too, because he is giving it up, his time will be up in April. He  doesn’t know if there will be another outing before that time. I will stop and mend some stockings. Hope to end this letter tomorrow.
Here I am to end this letter but nothing new to report. Len said in one of his letters that he thought we must have a good crop of cabbages in our borders. Well they are not difficult to count, we have one left and it could go in our envelope with your letter, that is the crop we have left.we have some wallflower plants, they are very small, I think they will be all right once they start growing. I’ve brought back a few Polyanthus plants from St Peters this afternoon. We have been lucky so far this week as regards letters. We’ve had one from Cyril, Snowdon, Aileen, but none from Greenlees yet so far.
We hope you are all well and that your weather is improving now that March is here. I have three daffodils ou t in the border. Three of four others will soon be out, I think this is early. Lots of love from us all
Ma xxx
Delighted to receive your letter this AM, Thursday. What about R Conway[1]? You can’t be all there Len. Will answer on next letter
Ma xx

[1] One of our neighbours in Glasgow. He fancied himself as a bit of a joker