21 February 1960
My dear Len and Margaret

Sunday 5 ‘o clock. I will not go far with this letter, it will be getting time for tea.
Today has been beautiful weather, sunshine all day, but not too warm. I don’t think this weather will last long, it’s already getting cloudy.

Well the Royal baby has arrived & a Prince at that, it’s wonderful. Not such crowds holding up the railings of Buckingham Palace, though I guess some are still there trying to find out what they can see. I can’t really understand the madness of these people shivering in the cold & rain. Had they to do it to earn their money they would grumble. Most of last week people have been keeping their wireless going on all day, so as to be sure not to miss the first announcement of the birth. Kay kept on carting her portable radio from room to room all day long, yet she has missed it. This child was born on Friday afternoon. Kay was in town, she had thought it might happen the time she was away & so it did. She was told in the bus on her way back home. So poor Kay after taking so much trouble to be sure not to miss it, she was disappointed. 
People are now wondering what names will be given to this child. Myself I’m anxious to know, but I think there is a long wait before we know. I very much doubt it will be any of the ones I had chosen. I have another one in mind though, I think Nicholas would not be bad & other ones to go with it could be Frederick, Philip, Edward, what do you think of them? 

Here I am again, now 7.15 after the fine day it has been it’s now raining. Margaret & Charles will soon be here. We had quite a nice time at Doreen’s on Monday. Oh I think I am repeating myself. I think I told you that we met Stan Sharpe there. I will not go further into it. 
We are invited to go to tea at Margaret’s on Wednesday. All being well Kay & Arthur will be coming to tea on Friday. We took our usual drive on Tuesday. Aunt B. came with us. First of all we went to Mabel at Bagot to pay our groceries. Aunty bought a few things there. Oh but I don’t know what I am up to. I think I told you these news also, because I think it was on Tuesday that I finished your letter. Well it remains that I have nothing to speak about.

St.Helier’s Honorary Police held their annual diner yesterday. They invited Father to be present. He did not go. On Tuesday will be his Lodge night. He will not go, he hasn’t been to his Lodge for a long time. He doesn’t like to go out in the evening, he likes to sit near his fire & enjoy T.V. He feels more comfortable in this way. Even when the girls ask us to go to them, either to tea or to spend the evening he always grumbles + tells them he doesn’t want to go out in the evening. This is the reason we don’t go to the Le Feuvres. we have not been there for ages. Mrs. Le F. is not pleased with him. Well really speaking I am not fond of going out in the evenings either. I like to settle myself quiet at home. But then it’s a change to go out sometimes. We prefer when people visit us, but then I think one should “give & take”.

We enjoyed Russ Conway last evening. Every time he plays I get up + sit near the T.V. he always gives such a wonderful smile, that I feel like laughing too. 

Roselle is peeling an orange. It’s a lovely one too. She’s rolled if under her foot for some time before eating it. I’ve told her it will be sure to be well cooked by the time she eats it.

Here I am again this is Monday evening. It has been another fine day after rain last evening. Our outing tomorrow afternoon will be to Les Augerez. It’s too cold to have our tea outside.

We received a nice letter from David, Snowdon’s younger son. We are surprised to know that he is 18 years of age. Douglas 20, these boys are young men now. David is still at school, it’s his last year. As David says they are now both ‘old men’. He is delighted about the Jersey French that appears in the Weekly Post. He takes it to his school master, but he doesn’t understand it, though he can make out a few words. David says he likes our Jersey French better than their Canadian French. I guess it’s quite different. He says our French is less formal then their French. For myself I can’t read our French. I don’t even try to do so. I know it would be quite hopeless, Dad manages fairly well (of course he comes from the far end of Val de la Mare).

David has been taking on electronic course which will be his type of work when he leaves school. He thinks this course will be finished by May. After that he will get a diploma saying that he is an electronic technician. Then he will go on advanced work & he hopes a degree. I guess this is quite a good job. I think these boys like work.

I am not sure if I have told you that on Snowdon’s last letter of over a week ago, there was some mention that they might come to Jersey this summer, but nothing sure yet. It all depends on what is going to happen to their house. This has been going on for some years now & Snowdon can’t get any further, whether the railways are going to buy that land & take their house. Snowdon has intended buying it, he thought he might have it cheap, but now he finds out that if he is allowed to buy it he will have to pay much more than he had expected. Not so good, anyway, should they come over they think it would be around 20th of July to the 3rd of August & they also would like to visit Holland, & of course London where Aileen has relatives. They would like to be here for the Battle of Flowers, they would love to see it. It just remains to be seen if they will be able to come at all. The boys would not come.

As there is nothing else to tell you I will now end in hoping that you are all well. 
Lots of love from we 3, love Ma xxx

PS: How is your throat? Len is it quite al right again? I hope it is + that you are not neglecting it in any way.

thurs AM
forgot to say that Mr Hedley Valpy had passed away last Sat. Weather very damp this AM
love from MaXXx