My Dear Len + Margaret

This is only Monday evening. I will make a little start on this letter.
First of all & before I forget I want to thank Len for the nice picture card I received from him while he was in the ‘Isle of Skye’. Very nice of him to have sent us one. One more for my album. I must admit though maybe it sounds rather rude, but I was expecting one from there. I would have been disappointed if he had forgotten to send one, many thanks.

Roselle + I are a bit disturbed this evening. Dad is not disturbed, as you know he wants a lot to make him worry. Anyway this is the story. While we were still at the tea table two fire engines passed going St. Aubins way. We imagined there was a fire somewhere. Then a number of ambulances started to pass, also going St. Aubin’s way. After a while they passed back towards town, but came back again. We are now imagining that it might be a plane that has come down at the airport. Mrs. Falle told me she heard a plane a while before the fire brigades passed, so now we are at a loss for the present to know what has happened. Rose phoned Kay to know if she had heard anything. She had not. She said if she did she would let us know. I asked Father to phone the Police Station, he didn’t want to. He said he didn’t know who was there. I don’t think all the commotion with the fire brigades + ambulances would have happened if there was nothing. We may know something by the radio in the late news.

Arthur is getting better he got up for lunch yesterday, but has not done so today, he was to get up later. The doctor will see him again on Wednesday. I think he is hoping to go to work on Thursday.

Father is enjoying himself he is finishing up a box of liqueur chocs. He’s not going to leave any. I see there is only one left. Anyway it was a box he had given at Xmas they had been forgotten. I found them in a cupboard on Friday, so Dad + Roselle started having a good feed. They ate more then half of the chocolates, they made me have one. For peace sake I took one + no more.

We had a nice time at Doreens on Saturday, we left there at 10.10, had a taxi to take us home. Margaret & Charles were there also. We asked them to come with us in the taxi, they said they preferred to have the walk before getting home. Rose did not come with us. She said she had plenty work to do at home.

This is Tuesday evening. I generally go & cut the dead flowers & pick up the petals of roses which have fallen. I keep a little chips basket for that purpose, no one must touch it. This evening when I went for it in the shed it was not in it’s place. I stared looking for it but could not find it. It’s not surprising I thought because the poor shed is so untidy, there is no clean place to put our feet. Everything is thrown on the floor, so there & then I started moving things from the floor & put everything tidily away & swept the floor. I was just finishing cleaning the floor when Dad came along to see where I was. He said what on earth are you going here. I said I could not find my basket through all this untidiness. I then told him there is all the dirt I have brushed away will you please pick it up & put it in the dust bin. Really speaking I don’t know anyone quite so untidy as Dad. Everything is always well enough, I’ve told him that we must clear up all the shed & that I will help him with it. Even what I have done tonight the few minutes that it has taken me, you wouldn’t know the place, but by Jove I’ve moved. You know retirement has not made any good for Father. It has made him very lazy. It would not hurt him to stay at home sometimes in the mornings when there is some thing to be done, but Dad says it can’t be done, so that when there is something to be done it has to be in the afternoon, which is not so good, there it is you can’t change nature, can you?
About my basket, well I found it outside, near the wine flower stand. I must have forgotten to bring it in last night.

Now about all this commotion with the fire brigades & the ambulances last evening. According to the E.P this evening, there was no accident, it was a practice from town to airport. You will see about it on the Weekly EP. It seems to me they should have warned the people that there was to be this practice. Lots of people did think there had been a bad accident somewhere. The problem is now solved. 
This is all the news for today, will end this tomorrow, I will now read.

Wednesday evening. I have been watering the rose trees. I thought they were thirsty .
Arthur will be going to work tomorrow A.M. it being Thursday it means half a day.

It appears that we are going to have a circus coming over this summer. This will be in First Tower Park. There will be a little zoo attached to it. It seems to me that nothing happens in the east end of the island, everything seems to be our way. What do you think of all the publicity about Liberace? he is a real “cissy and pansy”, of course his mother seems to uphold him to live this way. The poor “cissy” seems hurt about everything that has been said about him.
What if I don’t finish this letter in time to mail tomorrow. Margaret & Charles have just arrived, this is not their evening to come, but tomorrow they have their in-laws going to them to see ‘Top Town’. These people have no T.V. 

Here I am again but this is Thursday A.M. this has to be finished before Dad goes. A few minutes after M & C had come in last evening Ellie & her husband arrived. They all went back at 10.30. It was then time for bed. Anyway I must not make my stories too long or this letter will not be ready for Dad to take.

This A.M. we received a card from Sir Alex Countanche Kt. Bailiff of Jersey on behalf of the States of Jersey, inviting Dad & I to a gathering in the Howard Davis Park on Thursday 25h June 1959 which is to be honoured by the presence of Her Royal Highness the Princess Margaret, time 5.35 to 5.15. They have also sent two tickets, this is very nice of them. As far as I can see we will not go. Dad + I could not stand all that time + with all the crowd we could not stand it. We can’t give the tickets to Roselle, we are not allowed to transfer them.

Eddy Syvret has been taking his turn as asking Magistrate at the police court, he is acting wonderful. He is very strict with those who come before him, no nonsense with him. You will read the court cases on the weekly, so it will give you an idea how he is acting, there is not enough like him. 

It’s now time to end. We hope you are all well & having warm weather. Lots of love from we 3, love ma xxx

I can just about know your comments about our invitation to H.D.Park, especially the way I have written it down, this was to make you laugh.