My thrifty grandmother...

Author Marijke

21 February 1960. Arrival of Royal baby and possibly Canadian relatives

21 February 1960   My dear Len and Margaret Sunday 5 ‘o clock. I will not go far with this letter, it will be getting time for tea. Today has been beautiful weather, sunshine all day, but not too warm…. Continue Reading →

31 January 1960. Coffee party and speaking ones mind

31 January 1960   My dear Len & Margaret   This is Sunday afternoon. I thought I would make a start on this letter. My Canadian letters are just about done. It’s not often I’m about finished with them so early. … Continue Reading →

19 January 1960. She hardly spoke…

19 January 1960   Dear Len + Margaret   This is Tuesday evening. I don’t know how far I will go with this letter. Doreen & Nick will be coming later in the eve. But I would like to get on… Continue Reading →

1 September 1959. Affairs of the heart

1 September 1959   Dear Len + Margaret   Tuesday A.M. Not that I have really the time to write this A.M. It’s just to give me a few minutes rest. I have extra work to do now that is helping… Continue Reading →

10 August 1959. Feeling under the table cloth and knicker nickers

10 August 1959   My dear Len & Margaret Monday 3.30 My Canadian letters are about through. I may just add a little extra news tomorrow on them.  Today is a kind of special day at home. This is our… Continue Reading →

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