My thrifty grandmother...

Author Sheilarose

16 May 1960. The multi-coloured kitchen

16 May 1960   My dear Len and Margaret   Monday eve. We are now having fine and warm weather, we had two thunderstorms and quite a lot of rain a few days ago. The rain has done a lot… Continue Reading →

6 March 1960. Royal training, smoking and sore throats

  6 March 1960   My dear Len and Margaret   Sunday evening. Just a little start on this letter. Margaret and Charles will soon be here, but until then I will do a bit of office work. My Canadian… Continue Reading →

28 February 1960. Princess Margaret’s engagement and a Royal birth

28 February 1960   My dear Len and Margaret   Sunday 4:10. Again making a start on this letter. It has been a beautiful day. Lovely sunshine, but a change seems to be working up. It’s doubtful if it will… Continue Reading →

Acknowledgement of Great Uncle John’s death posted 28 Jan 1960

19 October 1959. Dinner, illness and exotic visitors

19 October 1959   My dear Len and Margaret   Monday Evening. We are now having more winter weather. Saturday evening was dreadful, it blew to gale force, with heavy rain, trees were blown down in the country, and telephone… Continue Reading →

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