My thrifty grandmother...

Category De Gruchys

31 January 1960. Coffee party and speaking ones mind

31 January 1960   My dear Len & Margaret   This is Sunday afternoon. I thought I would make a start on this letter. My Canadian letters are just about done. It’s not often I’m about finished with them so early. … Continue Reading →

26 November 1958. Christmas crunch and helpless Dad

26 November 1958   My dear Len and Margaret   Here I am this is Wed A.M. + gone 11 ‘o clock. I am late with this letter this week. If I don’t hurry with it there will be no… Continue Reading →

22 September 1958. Fixing up, extendid family, international food

22 September 1958   My dear Len and Aile[1]Margaret,   This is Monday eve. The weather is getting like autumn. We are looking forward to seeing Kay and Arthur tomorrow. They are at Alençon today and I think sleep there… Continue Reading →

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