Letters from a Jersey mother

My thrifty grandmother...

Page 4 of 14

11 September 1960. Illnesses, twins and new hats

11 September 1960 My dear Len and Margaret Sunday 4:35. I am starting this letter early in the week as you will see. I want a good start on it because as you know there’s always someone here most evenings,… Continue Reading →

5 September 1960. A neighbours death and a new house to admire

5 September 1960 My dear Len and Margaret This is Monday eve and here I am again with my hard work in thinking what to find out what to say on this letter. Roselle is having tea at Margaret’s today…. Continue Reading →

15 August 1960. Kitchen ware envy and the good hair

15 August 1960 My dear Len & Margaret Monday 4.45. The weather did not look too promising this A.M. but the day has turned out fine. Only it’s windy but dry & sunshine. Many thanks for your very nice letter received… Continue Reading →

The only letter from Papa

8 August 1960 Dear Len and Margaret Than you very much for your nice gift and good wishes. It was very kind of you. I have bought a nice pipe and a Barling as for cigars. I smoke very few…. Continue Reading →

1 August 1960. Hooligans and Teddy Boys, kids alone on trains and Papa’s 80th

1st August 1960 My dear Len and Margaret Just to think this is the 1st of August, the summer will soon be gone and the autumn will be with us before we know it. The weather is very unsettled ,… Continue Reading →

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