My thrifty grandmother...

Tag Alliance Building Society

21 January 1959. Scottish winters and worrying job change

21 January 1959 My Dear Len & Margaret, Wednesday evening. Dad is fixed on T.V. Roselle is having another busy evening with her stock sheets. I am longing for her to be through with them. It will be a few… Continue Reading →

13 January 1959. Inquests, parties and motherly advice

13 January 1959   My dear Len and Margaret   Monday Evening.   Roselle had a letter from Margaret today. Many thanks for the nice long letter we received last week. We notice that quite a number of your Christmas… Continue Reading →

10 November 1958. Looking dignified and ‘know your place’

10 November 1958   My dear Len and Margaret   Although this is only Monday eve, I thought it better to make a little start on this letter because if I don’t I may be disturbed. The Le Feuvres come… Continue Reading →

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