8 August 1960

Dear Len and Margaret

Than you very much for your nice gift and good wishes. It was very kind of you. I have bought a nice pipe and a Barling as for cigars. I smoke very few. I prefer my pipe and a lighter,  I find you taste the petrol. I am fixed up for a while.
I had a nice small cake that Barry’s daughter made for me when I went down to the Club this morning. He presented it to me so we had a few drinks. I treated 7 or 8 of the chaps, they were all pleased.
We have the family coming this evening for a drink. I wish you were with us. I am lucky so far, I buy my whisky by the dozen at a time. I have a pal who gets it wholesale for me. It costs 19/2 a bottle instead of 23/-around your way, where it is much more expensive.
We were lucky to have had fine weather for the Battle of Flowers last Thursday. They are always lucky. I don’t know if it will take place again after the trouble at the end with these teddy boys and others.
People are a bit dissatisfied, you always find some to cause trouble.
As you say you find a lot of pleasure watching the stock and share market. I would also if I had the money or gave it a little more thought but at my time of life I don’t bother. I still go up to town every morning. I go to the office, at (Hardys) and at the Club and then home. That is all I do and I enjoy myself. You are lucky that I am writing these few words because Mother has bothered me to write otherwise I never write.
I have not written to the boys for ages[1],
I am too old for that
Love to both of you
Father xx

[1] I think he means his sons, Cyril and Snowdon in Canada, rather than my brothers in Scotland